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PEACH Book Club
PEACH Book Club
HomeAbout Us
PEACH - the Plano Educators Association of Christian Homeschoolers - was founded in the 1990s to support local Christian homeschooling families in Plano and the surrounding area. We have members from Plano, Richardson, Wylie, Sachse, McKinney, Frisco, Dallas and the surrounding area! 

PEACH is operated by an all-volunteer board and parent volunteers who lead clubs, field trips, and our AHG and Trail Life troops. We currently have:
  • American Heritage Girls
  • Creative Writing
  • Drama Clubs 
    • Scene 1
    • Scene 2
    • Tween
    • Teen
    • Improv
    • Advanced Improv
  • Park Pals
    • Meeting every Friday, weather permitting
  • Trail Life
  • Tween Board Game Club
And annual meetings for :
  • PEACH Kickoff
  • PEACH Science Fair Night
  • PEACH Recital
  • PEACH Chili Cook-Off & Curriculum Show and Tell 
  • PEACH Family Picnic
Some of our Field Trips for this year include:
  • Plano Fire Station #1
  • Collin County History Museum
  • Heard Natural Science Museum &Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Texas Discovery Gardens
  • Casa Manana: Musicals, plays, and opera
  • Billings Productions
  • Institute for Creative Research Discovery Museum
  • Cavanaugh Flight Museum

How do you join PEACH? Just fill out an application online! It will be reviewed by our board and you do not pay an application fee until you are approved. Then, you can log in as a PEACH member to view our event calendar and sign up for field trips, attend park days, join clubs, or get in touch with our AHG or Trail Life leaders to join a troop. Since our troops are for 5 & up, and clubs start at 8 & up or 10 & up, we ask that your oldest homeschooled child be in the first grade - 5 years old - before you join. You can learn more here:
Member Signup / Information

PEACH Membership Requirements

  • Verify that the family is actively homeschooling at least one child in your family, using a Christ-centered curriculum
  • Read and agree to the PEACH Statement of Faith
  • Read, understand, and agree to PEACH's definitions of homeschooling (found in our Statement of Purpose)
  • Read and understand the PEACH Code of Conduct for field trips/group events
  • Apply online; once approved you will be asked to pay your $40 membership fee

PEACH Statement of Faith


1. We believe the Bible to be the divinely inspired and the only infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God. (2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:21)

2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Gen 1:1; Jn 10:30; Jn 10:37-38; 1 Cor 6:19; Gal 4:6)

3. We believe in the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. (Isa 7:14; Matt 1:23; Lk 1:35; Heb 4:15; Heb 7:25; Jn 2:11; Heb 9:12; Col 1:14; Jn 11:25; Acts 1:11; Rev 19:11-16)

4. We believe that man is sinful by nature and that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential and an absolute necessity for his salvation. (Rom 3:19, 23; Jn 3:16-19; Eph 2:18-19; Titus 3:5-6)

5. We believe in the continuing ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life. (Eph 4:30, 5.18; 1 Cor 6:19-20)

6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, they who are saved unto eternal life and they who are lost unto eternal damnation. (Jn 5:28-29)

7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom 8, 9; 1 Cor 12:12-13; Gal 3:26-28)

8. We believe that marriage is a sacred union between one man and one woman (Gen 2:18 , Gen 2:21-24)

9. We believe in the creation of man by the direct act of God. (Gen 1:26-28, 5:1-2)

10. Affiliation Statement: "PEACH neither supports nor endorses the World Council of Churches, National Council of Churches, or any other world, national, or regional organization which gives Christian recognition to unbelievers or advocates multi-faith union.”


PEACH Statement of Purpose


The purpose of PEACH shall be to provide the opportunity for fellowship, socialization

and informational exchange among homeschooling families by:

1. PEACH defines homeschooling as:

Definition and Clarification of Homeschooling: Section 29.916 of the Texas Education Code states, 

[A] "Home-schooled student" means a student who predominantly receives instruction in a general elementary or secondary education program that is provided by the parent, or a person standing in parental authority, in or through the child's home.

PEACH’s Guidance Regarding Texas’ Homeschool Definition: PEACH adheres to Section 29.916 Texas Education Code’s definition of homeschooling. PEACH considers enrollment in a public, charter, or private school to be mutually exclusive of homeschooling.

PEACH is a Christian Homeschool group and requires that in addition to meeting the definition of Homeschooling as noted above, the child’s instruction must be primarily parent-led and Christ-centered. It must support AND not contradict Biblical teaching consistent with the PEACH Statement of Faith.

For families where some children are homeschooled and some are not homeschooled, only the homeschooled children are eligible to participate in PEACH sponsored groups (e.g., Trail Life, American Heritage Girls, etc.). The only exception to this is for those parents who have obtained a waiver from the PEACH Board.

The following programs do not comply with the PEACH definition of Christian Homeschooling:

a. A public school / charter school

b. A secular private school

c. A Christian private school 

2. PEACH provides moral and practical support for member families to assist parents in academically strengthening their children and in building character in their children.

3. PEACH provides a venue for exchanging resources and curriculum ideas because we understand that all children are not alike in every aspect of education, especially in terms of teaching material and methodologies.

4. PEACH provides opportunities to participate in field trips, clubs, troops, events and group activities.